Decide the type of limousine (Standard Lincoln Stretch, Chrysler 300 limo, Hummer limousine, Escalade limousine, Porsche limousine, Rolls Royce Phantom, Infinity QX56 limo), color, the number of passengers. How many hours you would like to rent the limousine. Here is an example of a Limousine Fleet.
Questions to ask when calling to inquire about renting a limousine:
While most people assume that all New York Limousine companies are equal, well they are not. Most people concern themselves with best limousine prices they can find. They search for hourly rate first and this is a typical mistake, since most of the times you get what you pay for! Every business out there goes by the same theme. Why not limos ? When you get a price that is much lower than other competitor companies be warned that it will probably mean the year, make and features of the limousine offered are older and over used. Usually 5-8 year old vehicle. What should you do about it ?! Pay the extra $5-15 dollars more per hour.
For a top of the line limousines and the professional service you can expect to get from a well trained driver. Check out a limousine blog for top of the line VIP limousines and top of the line New York limo service. Besides when you consider that a typical 3 hour minimum you are only talking $75.00 dollars on the high end for a new six passenger limousine versus one that has gone beyond the 100K mile mark old vehicle and the car looks like it too.
Multiple Vehicle Discounts for weddings and other events:
If you are renting more than one vehicle eq. a limousine and a classic vehicle, be sure to ask about discounts that may apply to the second vehicle. Many companies offer special discounted rates when multiple vehicles are used. Click here for typical example of a wedding limousine speicials.
Murphy’s Laws Back Up
Sometimes you have to ask your self a limo question. Will the limousine company provide you with a live person to contact during your scheduled event should you require any assistance. If not, be certain to obtain a contact phone number of an operating manager in charge.
Additional Things To Consider:
How long has the limousine company been in business?
Do they have testimonials from past clients?
How big is their limousine fleet?
What types and colors of limousine are available on your specified date?
Do the vehicle have air conditioning and heat controlled from the passenger area?
Make sure you read the contract, even the small print.
Are there minimum hour requirements?
Is the gratuity/tip included in the final price?
Is there a traveling fee included?
How much are tolls if applicable?
Are the vehicles fully stocked and are the drinks complimentary?
Any New York wedding ammenities included: red carpet, champagne, Just married sign?
Does your company charge for driving time to and form the limousine rental company or does the time start when the driver arrives at your pick up location?
How are the drivers dressed?
Some limousine companies have a uniform standard while others do not. The appearance of the driver is as important as the appearance of the vehicle and you will want to have your driver appearance professional and clean.
Helpful links: